In a significant development, Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare has recently integrated the BLOODSA Haematological Registry into their care of its haematological patients, under specialist haematologist Dr Moses Chatambudza. Dr Johnathan Watts, BLOODSA’s Head of Outreach and Implementation, visited the hospital earlier this year with the principal objective of establishing the registry and providing training and support to the local haematology team.
The BLOODSA Haematological Registry, designed to improve data collection and patient management in the complex sphere of clinical haematology, is a secure web-based tool based on the REDCap system. It is developed in line with the ethical and legal frameworks not only in South Africa but also across the globe.
The main objective of implementing the registry at Parirenyatwa Hospital is to collect accurate data on the incidence and spectrum of haematological diseases encountered by its clinicians. While immediate assistance to patient management is a clear benefit, it is hoped that an improved understanding of these data will enable clinicians to effectively advocate for resources necessary for patient care.
The implementation journey of the registry has not been without challenges. However, BLOODSA has received invaluable feedback from the Parirenyatwa team. These insights into the process of implementation and local adaptation will be employed as we move forward to roll out the registry in other haematology and oncology units across Sub-Saharan Africa.