Dr Chatambudza is a specialist Haematologist currently working at Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe. Moses did his undergraduate studies at the University of Zimbabwe, initially graduating with first class in BSc (Hons) Human Physiology and subsequently Honours graduate in Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degrees. After completing his internship at Parirenyatwa, he joined the then newly formed Haematology unit as a Senior House Officer, a post he held until he went to specialise in Haematology at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. He completed his Master of Medicine degree in Haematology and FCPath (Haematology) in 2019. Subsequently, he proceeded to undertake a two-year subspecialty in Clinical Haematology under the mentorship of Professor Johnny Mahlangu and Professor Moosa Patel in the Wits Circuit.

After completion of his postgraduate studies, Moses went back to Zimbabwe where he has been working at Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare since July 2021.  He is involved in service delivery, teaching at University of Zimbabwe as well as research activities in Multiple myeloma, Haemophilia, Transfusion medicine and Lymphoma. Moses’ passion is to improve haematology care in Africa through research and collaboration.