SANBS and JACIE accreditation

Laurel Anderson (SANBS Jacie Quality Manager); Dr. Yona Skosana (SANBS Apheresis Collection Director); Dr. Massimo Miele (Jacie Inspector: Cell Collection & Processing); Bibi Rhode (SANBS Head of Cellular Therapy Laboratory); Dr Karin van den Berg (SANBS Medical Director); John Fitzgerald (Jacie Inspector: Quality & Team Leader); Dr. Tanya Glatt (SANBS Processing Director)

Working with oncologists and haematologists across the country, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) provides treatment options for haematological malignancies through the provision of haematopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCT) to over 170 patients annually. The SANBS provides a mobile HSCT collection service to both private and public hospitals in 8 provinces in South Africa as well as a centralized HSCT processing facility that is responsible for the processing, storage and testing of stem cell products.

In July 2022 SANBS was audited by international auditors from JACIE (Joint Accreditation Committee of the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) and the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)). This accreditation application is for the processing facility as well as for the collection facility at CITC (Cellular and Immunotherapy Centre) based at Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre. The aim is to roll out JACIE accreditation to additional collection facilities across South Africa in future.

SANBS is committed to working with clinical units across South Africa to increase patient access to HSCT and to offer quality standards to all our patients.